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Image by Bethany Legg

Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Council

We exist to establish and promote ethical pro-life marketing strategies that are grounded in biblical principles and informed by cutting-edge best practices. We serve as a resource for pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations committed to doing the same.


Exceeding the standard of pregnancy center marketing

Pro-Life. Faith-Based. Ethical Marketing.

Looking for a marketing agency for your pregnancy help organization? Our list of vetted, ethical, Christ-centered companies is uniquely equipped and qualified to help you reach women at-risk for abortion and save lives.

We Promote Marketing Members Who Are


Holistically pro-life




Work primarily or exclusively with Pro-Life Organizations

What People Say

Cornerstone Marketing Strategies hasexceeded my expectations in every area and understand better than anyone else the extreme urgency of the work we do.

Abby Johnson |  And Then There Were None

Approved Members
Vetted Pro-Life Marketing Companies

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Our Values

Grounded in Biblical Principals, Backed By Pro-Life Research




We believe that companies should consistently uphold ethical standards and be honest and transparent in all their interactions while holding themselves accountable to the highest moral and ethical principles, with a focus on promoting pro-life messaging and avoiding any practices that undermine the value of human life.



We believe in promoting a sense of community among pro-life pregnancy centers and marketing professionals. We believe in working together to create a culture of ethical marketing that reflects our shared values and principles, with a focus on supporting pregnancy centers in their mission to promote the value of human life.



We believe that all companies should be transparent, open, and honest in their communications and interactions with their clients, trusted pro-life companies, and in their marketing materials with a focus on promoting the pro-life message and avoiding any deceptive or misleading practices. We believe that marketing clients should be fully informed about their activities, decisions, and marketing practices, including how their company is spending its marketing funds and the services they are providing.



We strive for excellence in all aspects of pro-life marketing, from the development of marketing strategies to the provision of exceptional support and resources for pro-life pregnancy centers, ensuring that we consistently exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results in support of the value of human life.



We are committed to staying on the cutting edge of marketing trends and technologies in the pro-life space, continually seeking out new and innovative strategies to help pro-life pregnancy centers achieve their goals and meet the ever-changing needs of their audiences while remaining rooted in the timeless principles of pro-life ethics and morality.

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The Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Council exists to establish and promote ethical marketing strategies that are grounded in biblical principles and informed by cutting-edge best practices and to serve as a resource for pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations committed to doing the same.

We provide a vetted list of marketing organizations that work primarily or exclusively with pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, maternity homes, pro-life groups, and life-affirming organizations. Our members adhere to our values and meet our criteria, and are unified, Christ-centered, and holistically pro-life. They are committed to providing top-notch marketing services to help centers expand their online reach and save lives.  


The Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Committee does not allow paid promotions. Members are required to meet and keep our criteria.  The information on this site is for educational purposes only. The Council is not liable for services provided by our list of vendors. Contact to apply or learn more.


Copyright © 2025 Pro-Life Marketing Ethics Council. All rights reserved. 

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